Premier Sponsor - Table of 10
For your Premier table sponsorship, you and a guest will be invited to the VIP reception prior to the event to meet our surprise honored guest; plus, seating for you and your dinner guests in a prime location in the dining tent; you will be recognized at the event, with listing in the Hunt Ball program, and on the ODH website; and, a personalized commemorative book with video of ODH’s colorful history, “?XXTitleXX
Premier VIP Sponsorship - Table of 10
For your Premier VIP table sponsorship, you and a guest will be invited to the VIP reception prior to the event to meet our surprise honored guest; plus, seating for you and your dinner guests in a prime location in the dining tent; you will be recognized at the event, with listing in the Hunt Ball program, and on the ODH website; and, a personalized commemorative book with video of ODH’s colorful history, “?XXTitleXX. Plus a horse-drawn carriage ride for two, with picnic lunch, through High Meadow Manor’s pastures and woodland trails.
Premier Sponsor - Table of 10
For your Premier table sponsorship, you and a guest will be invited to the VIP reception prior to the event to meet our surprise honored guest; plus, seating for you and your dinner guests in a prime location in the dining tent; you will be recognized at the event, with listing in the Hunt Ball program, and on the ODH website; and, a personalized commemorative book with video of ODH’s colorful history, “?XXTitleXX